Reports Released from CRPE Staff
“Fighting for Home in the Melting Arctic”
Vermont Journal of Environmental Law Volume 15 (2014).
By Madeline Stano
A Just Transition: Lessons Learned from the Environmental Justice Movement
4 Duke Forum for Law & Social Change 45 (2012)
By Caroline Farrell
SB115: California’s Response to Environmental Justice – Process over Substance
1 Golden Gate U. Envtl. L.J. 113 (2007)
By Caroline Farrell
Structural Racism, Structural Pollution and the Need for a New Paradigm
20 Wash. U.J.L. & Pol’y 265 (2006)
By Luke Cole and Caroline Farrell
Reports Released by CRPE
The Green Paper: A Community Vision for Environmentally and Economically Sustainable Development (2011)
Applying our “from the ground up” philosophy to issues of economic development, reducing pollution, and protecting public health, CRPE worked with grassroots leaders from low-income, rural communities in the Valley to develop their vision of the green economy.
Out of the green paper grew our beginning farmers program after the communities pinpointed a need for fresh produce, job training and income opportunities as their key needs for development.

Right Without A Remedy (2016)
“A Right Without a Remedy” discloses for the first time internal U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) documents which reveal EPA’s persistent unwillingness to enforce Title VI of the Civil Rights Act.
The People’s Senate: Building a New Vision for DTSC (2014)
Founded on the principle that the residents most impacted must lead the conversation and make the decisions that affect their communities, the People’s Senate is a coalition of residents impacted by the incompetence of Dept. of Toxic Substances Control. Tasked with protecting California from the harms of toxic exposure, DTSC has been failing at their duties and harming communities. In August 2014, the People’s Senate released a report chronicling their stories and outlining their vision for reform at DTSC.
Selected Pieces by Luke Cole
- Ralph Santiago Abascal & Luke W. Cole, “The Struggle for Environmental Justice: Legal Services Advocates Tackle Environmental Poverty Law,” 29 Clearinghouse Review: Journal of Poverty Law 459 (1995)
- Luke W. Cole and Sheila R. Foster, “From the Ground Up: Environmental Racism and the Rise of the Environmental Justice Movement” (New York University Press, 2001).
- Luke W. Cole, “Creating Models for Progressive Lawyering in the 21st Century,” transcript published in 9 Brooklyn Journal of Law & Policy 297 (2001).
- Luke W. Cole, “The Theory and Reality of Community-Based Environmental Decision-making: The Failure of California’s Tanner Act and its Implications for Environmental Justice,” 25 Ecology Law Quarterly 733 (1999).
- Luke W. Cole, Richard Moore and Robert Bullard, “Communities Want Development without Discrimination,” Lake Links 1 (University of Toledo College of Law, Winter 1998).
- Luke W. Cole, “Environmental Justice and the Three Great Myths of White Americana,” 3West/Northwest 449 (1996).
- Luke W. Cole, “Macho Law Brains, Public Citizens, and Grassroots Activists: Three Models of Environmental Advocacy,” 14 Virginia Environmental Law Journal 687 (1995).
- Luke W. Cole, “Legal Services, Public Participation and Environmental Justice,” 29 Clearinghouse Review 449 (1995).
- Luke W. Cole, “Civil Rights, Environmental Justice and the EPA: The Brief History of Administrative Complaints Under Title VI,” 9 Journal of Environmental Law and Litigation 309 (1994).
- Luke W. Cole, “Environmental Justice in the Classroom: Real Life Lessons for Law Students,”96 West Virginia Law Review 1051 (1994).
- M. Casey Jarman and Luke W. Cole, “A New Approach to Expanding Resources for Environmental Justice: The Professor-in-Residence,” 96 West Virginia Law Review 1165 (1994).
- Luke W. Cole, “Environmental Justice Litigation: Another Stone in David’s Sling,” 21 Fordham Urban Law Journal 523 (1994).
- Luke W. Cole, “The Struggle of Kettleman City for Environmental Justice: Lessons for the Movement,”Maryland Journal of Contemporary Legal Issues 67 (1994).
- Luke W. Cole, “The Crisis and Opportunity in Public Interest Law: A Challenge to Law Students to be Rebellious Lawyers in the ’90s,” 4 Boston University Public Interest Law Journal 1 (1994).
- Luke W. Cole, “Empowerment as the Key to Environmental Protection: The Need for Environmental Poverty Law,” 19 Ecology Law Quarterly 619 (1992).
- Luke W. Cole, “Remedies for Environmental Racism: A View from the Field,” 90 Michigan Law Review1991 (1992).